March 26, 2024 at 2:31 pm

2024 Washington County Convention

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Over 100 Republicans attended the 2024 Washington County Republican Party Candidate Forum and Convention held on Monday, March 25, 2024 at the Blair Public Library. There were 61 Delegates attend (out of 71 registered Delegates). Office holders attending included U.S. Senator Pete Ricketts, Washington County Attorney Scott Vander Schaaf, Washington County Sheriff Mike Robinson, County Supervisors, Steve Dethlefs, Jay Anderson, Lisa Kramer, Kevin Barnhill, Blair School Board member Courtney Tabor, Metro Community College Board member Adam Gotschall. Additionally, we had many candidates attend and speak including John Glen Weaver for U.S Senate, John Walz for 3rd District Congressional, Lisa Schonoff for State Board of Education, Aimee Cothran for Blair City Council, Gene Scrivner for Arlington School Board, Denise Cada for Blair School Board, Sarah Byrne for Blair School Board, Mike Mackie for Supervisor, Mike Andreasen for Supervisor. U.S. Senator Deb Fischer and Congressman Adrian Smith had representatives attend and speak on their behalf as well. Many other guests, friends and family attended and enjoyed the food while listening to the candidates. Delgates elected for the NEGOP State Convention were: Joy Curry, Ben Stangl, Scott Stangl, Cindy Miller, Robbin Jeffrey, Margaret Hanson. Alternates elected were: Dennis Fuhrman, Aimee Cothran, Sandy Kucera, Shana Welch, Sarah Byrne, Zach Stangl.

February 17, 2024 at 9:13 am

2024 WCRP Candidate Forum & Convention

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Please plan to attend the 2024 Washington County Candidate Forum and Convention on Monday, March 25, 2024 at the Blair Public Library & Technolgy Center, 2233 Civic Drive, Blair, NE. Sign-in and social time is from 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM. Food and candidates speak from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The Washington County Republican Party will then hold its 2024 Convention from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. If you wish to be a Republican Delegate for the convention, please stop by the Washington County Clerk’s office at 1555 Colfax Street in Blair and sign up. All registered Republican that are residents of Washington County are eligible to sign up to be a Delegate. All are welcome to can attend to Forum for food and to meet the candidates, you do not need to be a Delegate to attend.

January 22, 2024 at 9:52 pm

January 2024 WCRP Meeting!

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The Washington County Republican Party held their January meeting to kickoff the 2024 election season at The American Legion in Ft Calhoun on Monday, January 22, 2024. There were 47 Republicans in attendance. Republican office holders attending included Nebraska State Senator, District 16 Ben Hansen. Washington County Board of Supervisors Steve Dethlefs (Distric 1) and Jay Anderson (District 5). Papio-Missouri River NRD Board Subdistrict 1 Director Ted Japp. Blair School Board member Courtney Tabor. Also attending was Nebraska State Board of Education candidate Lisa Schonoff. Senator Hansen updated everyone on the Nebraska Legislative activity, rule changes and upcoming bills. A Resolution on supporting Texas border control was passed unanimously (look for the full resolution to be posted soon). Date for our 2024 Washington County Republican Candidate Forum and County Convention is set for Monday, March 25 beginning at 6:00 PM at the Blair Library and Technolgy Center. Volunteers to help organize the Candidate Forum stepped up to help. Also, a group of 4 formed our 2024 Platform Committee and another group of 3 formed a Constitutional Review Committee.

January 20, 2024 at 10:07 am

January 2024 WCRP Meeting!

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Please plan to attend the Washington County Republican Party meeting on Monday, January 22, 2024 beginning at 7:00 PM at The American Legion in Ft Calhoun. Senator Ben Hansen will give us an update on the 2024 Nebraska Legislative session and we will begin planning for the 2024 Washington County Republican Party convention.

September 26, 2023 at 1:02 pm

WCRP Meeting Sept 25, 2023

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Thirty (30) Republicans attended the Washington County Republican Party meeting held on Monday, September 25, 2023 at the American Legion in Ft Calhoun. Elected leaders attending were Sheriff Mike Robinson, County Supervisors Steve Detlefs and Lisa Kramer, Blair School Board member Courtney Tabor, Ft Calhoun Mayor Mitch Robinson. A variety of important topics were discussed, including a presentation by our WCRP Community Engagement Committee. Agenda items completed were the unanimous endorsement of Adam Gotschall for re-election to the Metro Community College board. WCRP is also going to add Arlington Senior Center as a meeting location into our rotation with Blair Public Library and Ft Calhoun American Legion for 2024. We are also re-joining the Washington County Chamber of Commerce. Many other ideas were discussed to engage friends and neighbors in helping Republican candidates for office.

September 23, 2023 at 11:19 am

WCRP Meeting – Monday, Sept 25, 2023

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Please plan to attend the Washington County Republican Party meeting on Monday, September 25, 2023 beginning at 7:00 PM at the American Legion, 1311 Court Street, Ft Calhoun.

July 30, 2023 at 6:20 pm

2023 Washington County Fair Parade

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The Washington County Republican Party float in the 2023 Washinton County Fair parade was a success. WCRP handed out over 400 ice cream treats following the parade (and dodging rain clouds). Senator Ben Hansen, Blair School Board member Courtney Tabor and Nebraska School Board candidate Lisa Schonhoff mingled with fair goers and handed out ice cream treats today. Much thanks to all the volunteers who helped today!

July 25, 2023 at 11:52 am

WCRP Meeting 7-24-23

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The Washington County Republican Party held their July 2023 meeting at the Blair Public Library. Speakers included Lauren Gage with “Keep Kids First” that seeks to stop the teacher’s union’s petition to reverse the Opportunity Scholarships Act (LB753) that made Nebraska the 49th state to enact a school choice program. Senator Ben Hansen spoke about the Pink Card program and upcoming budgets being set by school boards and county boards. Blair School Board member Courtney Tabor emphasized how important it was for the public to attend and speak at the upcoming Blair School Board budget meeting on August 14, 2023. EPIC (Eliminate-Propery-Income-Corporate taxes) speakers Rob Rohrbaugh and Randy Stahmer gave a presentation on the EPIC option and had a good Q&A along with petitions to sign. Fortyseven (47) people attended. Elected officials in attendance were Senator Ben Hansen, Blair School Board member Courtney Tabor, Ft Calhoun Mayor Mitch Robinson and Blair City Councilman Kevin Willis.

July 8, 2023 at 8:24 am

WCRP Meeting – July 24, 2023

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Please plan to attend the Washington County Republican Party meeting on Monday, July 24, 2023 beginning at 7:00 PM at the Blair Public Library and Technology Center. On our agenda is the EPIC Option question & answer session with Mark Bonkiewicz-Nebraskans For Founder’s Values and Randy Stahmer – EPIC Option. EPIC = Eliminate all Nebraska Property, Income, Corporate taxes. SENATOR BEN HANSEN will be there to discuss property tax levies and the pink card for 2023.

June 12, 2023 at 1:52 pm

2023 Gateway to the West Parade

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The 2023 Gateway to the West parade was a great success. The Washington County Republican Party float was surrounded by voluteers for Senator Pete Ricketts, Senator Deb Fischer, State School board candidate Lisa Schonoff and others. Other important Republican offer holders participating in the parade included State Senator Ben Hansen, Washington County Sheriff Mike Robinson, Washington County Attorney Scott Vander Schaaf, Ft Calhoun Mayor Mitch Robinson, former State Senator Lydia Brasch. We had over 50 voluteers in the parade held Saturday, June 10, 2023. Thanks so much to all the volunteers who helped set up our float and walked in the parade.

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