The 2024 Washington County Republican party fair booth is up and open for the Washington County Fair. The county fair runs from Friday, July 26th through Wednesday, July 31st. Thanks much to all the volunteers.

© 2024 Washington County Republican Party:
Good morning – I am writing from a town in southeastern Massachusetts and we are in the middle of our annual fair that gets about 200,000 visitors over 10 days. Our local Republican town committee put together a fantastic booth and we are getting a lot of positive feedback. I have never done anything political and I am writing to ask how your folks handled those aggressive individuals who come up to our booth and try to bait us into anger for the sole purpose of provocation. For example, we have had groups of same-sex individuals come by and dig their fists into our bowls of candy we have out for kids to take a lollypop or two and scoop up handfuls and either throw them on the ground or take them. Then they have groups who falsely complain to fair officials that we are being aggressive. I am personally new to politics and wonder how you dealt with this and if you have any advice. I found you by Google! I hope your fair experience was a positive one. Hope things in Washington are going well. GO TRUMP!!! Kim Bakeberg – Cell: 781-690-1709
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