The Washington County Republican Party Lincoln-Reagan Day Celebration held Monday, April 11, 2011 at the Blair Marina was a huge success! Over 75 devoted Republicans of all ages enjoyed a wonderful evening celebrating our dedicated volunteers and looking forward to building momentum and continued success into the 2012 elections. An inspiring keynote speech was given by former US Congressman and Omaha Mayor Hal Daub. A very informative legislative update was given by Nebraska Speaker Mike Flood. Outstanding volunteer Award was given to John Orr. Lifetime of Service Award recipients were Bob and Nadeen Boettger. State Party Wall of Fame: Ray and Marion Wilson. Lincoln-Reagan Day event photo album
Current office holders attending the event included Senator Scott Lautenbaugh, Senator Lydia Brasch, Nebraska State Treasurer Don Stenberg, Mayor Jim Realph, County Attorney Shurie Graeve, Sheriff Mike Robinson, State Board of Education and 2nd GOP District Chairman John Sieler, Papio-Missouri NRD Board member Scott Japp, Washington County Board of Supervisors Jeff Quist and Kent Claussen. Also in attendance were former Nebraska Governor Kay Orr, former Omaha City Councilman & GOP chairman Chuck Sigerson, Nebraska State GOP Chairman Mark Fahleson, Douglas County Chairman Scott Petersen, Cass County Chairman Dean Helmick, 1st District GOP Chairman Tim O’Dell, 2nd District Vice-Chairman Pat McPherson.