Wednesday, January 19th, 2011 at 8:54am

Washington County Republican Party Leadership Elected!

Posted by admin

On Monday January 17, 2011, the Washington County Republican Party elected new party leadership for the 2011-2012 term. The new Executive Committee is as follows: John Orr replaces outgoing Chairman Ritch Nelson, retaining his position of Vice Chairman is Jeff Burianek, replacing newly appointed Judge Geoff Hall at Treasurer is Linda Ingelsbe and retaining her position of Secretary is Lisa Kramer. New Central Committee members are: Mike Andersen, Brad Anderson, Chris Boswell, Becky Hilgenkamp, Rusty Hilgenkamp, Brenda Orr, Jane VanHorn, Kent VanHorn. Departing Central Committee members are Carl Lorenzen, Don Mentzer, Marilyn Mentzer, Jerry Taylor, Rita Taylor. For a complete list of Washington County Republican Party leadership and contact information, please see the Party Leadership page.
L-R: Outgoing Chairman – Ritch Nelson, Treasurer – Linda Ingelsbe, Chairman – John Orr, Secretary – Lisa Kramer, Vice Chairman – Jeff Burianek:

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